The Barbet
We were attracted to the Barbet by their winning personality and beautiful conformation. They do not shed, are extremely intelligent and are a joy to be around. Because it is still a relatively rare breed, a Barbet is hard to come by but is absolutely worth the wait.

Before even considering breeding Flora, her hips, eyes and knees were tested. We also completed the Embark Genetic Testing. As the Barbet gene pool is small, it is important to breed dogs that do NOT carry the same recessive genes.

About the Breed
The Barbet (pronounced Bar-Bay) is more than a versatile gun dog. It is a joyful, smart, loving, and devoted breed. The Barbet was an original water dog and was primarily used in France for hunting water game. References to the breed are throughout history, doing various jobs with historical lineage, and always referenced with respect and admiration. Yet after so many centuries of serving man, the Barbet is neither a common nor well-known breed as they are a victim of the historical changes they helped shape.
After the World Wars, the Barbet was nearly extinct. Through the efforts of a devoted few, the breed is slowly being reborn as a dog for the future. Barbet are mentioned in 16th-century scripts as water dogs used for hunting game birds. The Barbet, although rare and in small numbers, continues to delight and amaze people around the world. Keen intellect, a propensity for water, and versatile abilities make it an "all around" dog. With such an extensive historical lineage, the Barbet is a timeless and classic breed of canine.
Currently listed in the Miscellaneous group, the Barbet will join the AKC Sporting Group in January, 2020.
Temperament: sociable, needs a steady training regime, companionable, joyful, obedient, intelligent, and faithful.
Agility: known for their agility, Barbet are great in various forms of lure coursing, frisbee, ball catching, and many other tasks.
Coat: thick, long, woolly hair not fur. Needs considerable grooming through its life. Barbet can withstand cold weather and go into any weather.
Color: all shades of black, grey, brown, fawn (with or without white markings), and Pied (primarily white with all shades of black, brown, grey, and fawn markings)
Height: Males range from 21-24.5 inches, while females average 19-22.5 inches.
Ancestor of the Poodle, Briard, Bichone Frise, Newfoundland, the name comes from the French word barbe (meaning beard).